Asian Law and Society Association Annual Meeting 2019

December 12-15, 2019








Rapid economic growth in Asia has led to some areas within the region joining the ranks of developed countries. Yet, economic gap within the region remain persistent; various cross-border issues have emerged over regulation of political and economic activities, and of social interactions, etc.; and domestic social issues have expanded such as poverty, gender inequality, and environmental issues. Many issues still await an effective legal framework. This ALSA Annual Meeting looked at such issues by exploring the interaction between law & society and through the reconstruction of social justice. 

Professor Matthew Erie spoke on “Lex Sinica? China’s transnational Law and the Case for Ditching Transplants” in the panel session on Legal Transplants. Chaired by Prof. Setsuo Miyazawa, around 100 law scholars from Asia, Europe and North America discussed Japanese, Chinese, and Uzbek experiences of transplantation (both as recipients and donors).


Panel: Legal Transplants (1)

Chair: MIYAZAWA Setsuo, Kobe University (Emeritus)
Discussant: LEFLAR Rob, University of Arkansas


FISHER James, University of Tokyo
All That Succeeds Is Success: From the Idiom of Transformation to a Theory of Legal Change

KANEKO Yuka, Kobe University
Model Conflicts in Legal Transplant: Asian Endeavors beyond Western Capitalism 

YOSHIDA Kunihiko, Hokkaido University
Some Critical Analysis of Japanese 'Legal Transplant' from the Legal Geography Perspective

ERIE Matthew, University of Oxford
Lex Sinica? China's Transnational Law and the Case for Ditching Legal Implants 

ISMATOV Aziz, Nagoya University
Adapting Legal Transplants in the Context of Hybrid Legal Systems: A Focus on Rule of Law in the Republic of Uzbekistan