

Books, Law Review Articles and Papers
Journalistic Articles
Research Briefs

One of the aims of the CLD project is to create a platform for knowledge exchange between and among young practitioners and scholars in China and host states on the topics of the legal and regulatory issues of Chinese outbound capital. Research Briefs, written by Research Associates and other members of the research team, provide snapshots of either preliminary or on-going research projects conducted on such issues. As such, they represent the cutting edge of scholarship on these concerns.

Opinions expressed therein represent the personal views of the authors and are not attributable to either their respective institutions or the University of Oxford.

Suggested citation: Author’s Last name, First name, Title (Date). China, Law and Development Research Brief. Available at: [http address].


Image credits:
Chinese propaganda posters (Research Briefs 2020): all images are part of the IISH / Stefan R. Landsberger / Private Collection; see
Risk maps (中国国际商事) [China International Chamber of Commerce], (做外贸的注意了!这份风险图请收好)[Those Engaged in Foreign Trade, Pay Attention! Please Consider This Risk Map] (Oct. 15, 2018), see here.