China, Law and Development : All Pages
- Home
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- Accessibility Statement
- Matthew S. Erie
- Victoria Hayman
- Do Hai Ha
- Irna Hofman
- Miriam Driessen
- Research
- Publications
- Contact
- Till Mostowlansky
- Graeme Smith
- Weitseng Chen
- Pal Nyiri
- The Silk Road Legal Exchange and Research Network
- New PDRA Appointments
- Aaron Halegua
- Maria Adele Carrai
- Eva Richter
- Justin Monsenepwo Joost
- Lawrence Liu
- Zhou Jingyuan
- Saeed Qadir
- Sokphea Young
- Steven Wang
- Ying Xia
- Zhang Mujun
- Zhang Jingjing
- Ying Wu
- Project Team
- Jacob Skebba
- Faiysal Ali Khan
- Advances in Comparative and Transnational ADR: Research into Practice
- News and Events
- American Society of International Law Annual conference
- American Bar Association 2019: Section of International Law
- Second High-Level Forum on Legal Issues in the Belt and Road Initiative
- Law and Society Association Annual meeting
- Addressing the Pakistan Federal Judicial Academy
- The “Arrangement Concerning Mutual Assistance" as a window onto the New Legal Hubs
- Larry Catá Backer on Matthew Erie's six point structure for approaching BRI study.
- CPEC Forum 2019: Think-Tank Dialogue
- New Book: Tales of Hope, Tales of Bitterness. Chinese Road Builders in Ethiopia
- New Legal Hubs: The Emergent Landscape of International Commercial Dispute Resolution
- The China International Commercial Court: Prospects for Dispute Resolution for the “Belt and Road Initiative"
- Update on the China International Commercial Court
- Sikandar Naeem
- First CLD Research Briefs Published
- Sitemap
- New Book: Emerging Powers in the International Economic Order
- Anticorruption as Transnational Law: The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, PRC Law, and Party Rules in China
- Custom in the Archive: The Birth of Modern Chinese Law at the End of Empire
- Additional funding awarded for CLD knowledge exchange activities
- Kai-Shen Huang
- China’s Mediation Revolution? Opportunities and Challenges of the Singapore Mediation Convention
- Introducing the CLD Project: Analyzing China’s Impact on Cross-Border Legal and Regulatory Order
- Affective Labor: Afghanistan's Road to China
- Professor Erie’s article on “New Legal Hubs” featured in Jotwell
- Second Set of CLD Research Briefs Published
- China's Legal Construction Program at 40 Years - Towards an Autonomous Legal System?
- Tales of Hope, Tastes of Bitterness: A Conversation with Miriam Driessen
- Matthew Erie joins the Editorial Board of Law and Social Enquiry
- CLD researchers attend Training Initiative for Asian Law and Society event
- Professor Matthew Erie presents seminar on “New Legal Hubs” at Meiji University
- Asian Law and Society Association Annual Meeting 2019
- Exploring links with Tsinghua University Law School
- Teaching Chinese Business Law
- Sanchir Jargalsaikhan
- Chinese Law and Development
- Matthew Erie's article, "Chinese Law and Development," to be published
- CLD awarded £7,000 to expand cross-country comparative analysis
- Matthew Erie elected Co-Chair of the ASIL Asia-Pacific Interest Group
- Next set of CLD Research Briefs published
- Bulelani Jili
- "Law and Development Minus Legal Transplants: The Example of China in Vietnam"
- “The China Question: International Commercial Courts between London and Beijing”
- Webinar - International Law in the Asia-Pacific during the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Encounters After the Soviet Collapse: The Contemporary Chinese Presence in the Former Soviet Union Border Zone
- Webinar - National Security in International Law: An Asia-Pacific Perspective
- New CLD Research Briefs Published
- Professor Sally Engle Merry
- Pidgin play: linguistic subversion on Chinese-run construction sites in Ethiopia
- “China and the International Legal Order” Symposium
- Legal Dimensions of Chinese Globalization
- Ji Ma
- Otari Kakhidze
- Leigha Crout
- Ava Liu
- Jacqueline Musiitwa
- The Future of Foreign Arbitration in the People’s Republic of China: Current Developments and Challenges Ahead
- Latest CLD Research Briefs Published
- South China Morning Post: "China’s top court appoints four Africans to legal team"
- Magdalena Łągiewska
- Experimenting with International Commercial Dispute Resolution
- Yilin Wang
- Marco Germanò
- Global Labs of International Commercial Dispute Resolution
- Webinar - The Potential Impacts of the RCEP on the Asia-Pacific Region
- Ngozi S. Nwoko
- Monika Prusinowska
- Made in China: The Chinese Worker Goes Abroad
- Matthew Erie speaking on the "Social Science Approach to International Law"
- The Forms and Architects of China's International Legal Order
- Can Chinese law firms take over the world?
- Enhui Shen
- The Beijing Effect: China's "Digital Silk Road" as Transnational Data Governance
- Understanding China’s Growing Influence in Global Data Governance
- Nuraiym Syrgak Kyzy
- Michael Yip
- Webinar - The Biden Administration, Foreign Policy, and International Law in Asia
- Yuan Wang
- Aleksandar Matković
- Molly Bodurtha
- Webinar - The Future of Human Rights for Asia’s Minorities
- Latest CLD Research Briefs Published
- LSA2021: Two roundtables on China, Law and Development
- China’s Influence in Global Data Governance Explained: The Beijing Effect
- Archipelagos of Chinese Law - Blog
- CLD webinar: Commercial Courts in a Global Context
- China and Comparative International Law: Between Social Science and Critique
- CLD Newsletter #1
- Joint Symposium Issues: "China and the International Legal Order"
- Executive Agency and State Capacity in Development: Comparing Sino-African Railways in Kenya and Ethiopia
- ILA-ASIL AP Forum: “International Law and Post-Pandemic Asia”
- Chinese Investments and Legal Jurisprudence in Environmental Law
- Does China Have “Law Power”? China, African States, and the New Extraterritoriality
- ALSA Panels: The Dawn of Social Science Approaches to International Law in China
- China and Islamic Finance: Past, Present, and Future
- The state, donors and elites in Tajikistan’s trajectories of post-Soviet agrarian change
- Case Study: Ethiopia
- Case Study: Tajikistan
- Latest CLD Research Briefs published
- China & the WTO: 20 years on
- 5th Annual Conference of the Law and Development Research Network
- A Brief History of Pakistan–China Legal Relations
- In the Interstices of Patriarchal Order: Spaces of Female Agency in Chinese–Tajik Labor Encounters
- Theorising the Local Adaptation of Transnational Certification Standards
- Unfree Labor, from Hanoi to Belgrade: Chinese Investment and Labor Dispatch in the Case of 750 Workers from Vietnam
- Case Study: Vietnam
- Migration, crop diversification, and adverse incorporation: understanding the repertoire of contention in rural Tajikistan
- AALS 2022 Hot Topic session: The Crisis of Afghanistan
- Is there a Chinese "Code of Capital"?
- Webinar: China and Investor-State Dispute Settlement - Status Quo and Beyond
- Webinar: EU-China Cross-Border Judicial Cooperation with BRI Countries
- The Normative Anthropologist
- The Belt and Road Podcast: Cotton Diplomacy in Central Asia
- Webinar: Rivalry and Development: Views from Asia
- Charles Ho Wang Mak
- Nguyễn Thái Cường
- Dilini Pathirana
- Obert Bore
- Berna Kirkulak-Uludag
- Michael Liu
- Thembi Madalane
- Dinesha Samararatne
- José Manuel Canelas Schütt
- Aziz Ismatov
- Folasade Abiodun
- "Chinese Law and Development" available soon in《法律和社会科学》
- Latest CLD Research Briefs published
- The Soft Power of Chinese Law
- Workshop: China as Context
- The Problem of Method in the Study of Transnational Dispute Resolution
- Launch of GBCC Report “China and Global Legal Norms”
- Constitutional Democracy Around the Globe: Challenges & Future Directions
- Matthew Erie awarded Wilson China Fellowship
- Two new BRI factsheets initiated by the ROADWORK project
- Stanley U. Nweke-Eze
- Sharing his Unconventional Road to Comparative Law
- Just working for wood: life inside Tajikistan’s silk industry
- Mapping the Cosmopolitan Legal Imaginary: Recent Chinese Scholarship on Dispute Resolution
- CLD Newsletter #2
- Internationalization as a Leap of Faith: Arbitration Reforms in China and the Challenges of Implementation
- Stanislav Gubenko
- Trials of Trustworthiness Between Ethiopian lawyers and Chinese Clients
- Webinar: Building Domestic Capacity for China: "Foreign-Related 'Rule of Law'"
- Guest Lecture: Chinese Law and Policy Diffusion in the Global South
- Quoted: Planned Hong Kong Mediation Centre to Bolster China’s influence in Africa
- Latest CLD Research Briefs Published
- Talk: The Beijing Effect: China's "Digital Silk Road" as Transnational Data Governance
- 2022 Inter-Asian Law Workshop
- The 13th International Conference on the New Haven School of Jurisprudence and International Law
- Legal Systems Inside Out: American Legal Exceptionalism and China's Dream of Legal Cosmopolitanism
- SI: ‘China's Global Capital and the Coronavirus: Views from Comparative Law and Regulation'
- Panel: The Shifting Geopolitical Landscape and International Law in the Asia-Pacific
- IAA Annual Conference 2023
- CLD newsletter #3
- Wilson China Fellowship Conference 2023
- Forum: "Great Changes and Rule of Law: Handling Foreign-Related Disputes and ODR"
- CLD/CALS Workshop: “Chinese Law and Development: Views from Asia and Beyond”
- Webinar: "China-Vietnam: Legal Development Assistance as Foreign Policy"
- Webinar: "Dispute Resolution in the Belt Road Initiative—A New Model of Economic Governance?"
- Presentation: "Chinese Law & Development: Implications for UK Rule of Law Assistance"
- A Comparison of Inbound and Outbound Investment Regulatory Regimes in China
- CLD/CSCC Workshop: "US, China, and the Global South"
- Seminar: "U.S. and European Legal Responses to Chinese Forced Labour"
- Foreign Policy Implications for China’s “Foreign-Related ‘Rule of Law’”
- Oxford Mosaic Accessibility Statement
- Quoted: "Leaders Gather in China for Smaller, Greener Belt and Road Summit"
- CLD/CSCC workshop: "US, China and the Global South"
- Chinese Law and Development: Implications for US Rule of Law Programs
- Property as National Security
- Webinar: "BRI in Crisis? The Future of the Belt and Road Initiative"
- CLD newsletter #4
- The Emergence of Inter-Asian Law: Normative Origins, Trajectories, and Contours
- ALSA Annual Meeting 2023
- Quoted: Can China’s international courts meet the challenge of the country’s global ambitions?
- Ignacio Tornero
- Quoted: China urged to grow legal talent for global fight against terrorism, corruption and cyberscams
- Panel: China and International Development
- Chinese Property Ownership as a National Security Problem
- China, Law and Development: Use of cookies on this website
- Symposium: A Critical Examination of "Decoupling"
- Inter-Asian Law: Introduction
- Seminar with Kish Parella: Corporate Governance & International Law
- Lawfare Daily: Chinese Property Ownership and National Security
- Workshop: China and the Standardization of Digital Technologies
- Podcast: Should Chinese nationals be permitted to purchase property in the United States?
- Privacy Statement
- Quoted: China becomes a punching bag for assertive U.S. states
- Quoted: China wants to be better prepared for strategic risks like economic sanctions
- Seeds of empire or seeds of friendship? The politics of the diffusion of Chinese cotton seeds in Tajikistan
- ASIL's International Law and the Social Sciences Interest Group workshop
- Webinar: Law as Infrastructure: China in the World
- New Publication: A Casebook on Chinese Outbound Investment
- New Publication: A Casebook on Chinese Outbound Investment