CLD Newsletter #1
July 2021
China, Law and Development: Studying the Role of Law in China's Global Development
The “China, Law and Development” (CLD) project is a five-year interdisciplinary research project studying the role of law in China’s global development. When we started this project, we had not anticipated one of the greatest health crises in the last one hundred years, a crisis that has certainly impacted our work. Yet the Covid-19 pandemic and its response by China, other states, and the international community, makes the question of China’s position in transnational governance all the more important. Despite the challenges, our intrepid Post-Doctoral Research Associates have completed their international fieldwork. We have expanded the CLD network to include 35 Research Associates based in China, Central Asia, Africa, Latin America, Eastern Europe, and elsewhere in Asia. In collaboration with leading law schools and academic organizations, we have held a number of virtual events to create platforms for discussing China’s ascendant role in developing economies. We have started generating academic papers, including concept pieces that lay the groundwork for future empirical work. Lastly, as part of our mandate to create platforms for exploring China's role in global development, we are hosting a webinar on "Commercial Courts in a Global Context" featuring experts from China, Pakistan, Singapore/Dubai, and UK/Kazakhstan on July 27. Please join us by registering here. We hope that this first CLD newsletter can introduce our work to you and we look forward to opportunities to engage with you on these and related important issues.
Matthew S. Erie, J.D., PhD
Principal Investigator, "China, Law and Development"
Associate Professor, Member of Law Faculty
University of Oxford
July 2021
Recent and Forthcoming Publications
- In a first-ever collaboration between the Harvard International Law Journal, the Yale Journal of International Law, and the China, Law and Development project at the University of Oxford, eleven papers from the virtual symposium on “China and the International Legal Order” held on October 15, 2020 have just been published. Yale J. Int'l L. and Harv. Int'l L. J. Joint Symposium issues on “China and the International Legal Order” (Matthew S. Erie et al., eds.) available here (Yale) and here (Harvard).
- Matthew S. Erie & Thomas Streinz, The Beijing Effect: China’s ‘Digital Silk Road’ as Transnational Data Governance, NYU J. Int’l L & Pol. (forthcoming). Available on SSRN here.
- Matthew S. Erie, China and Comparative International Law: Between Social Science and Critique, 22 Chicago J. Int’l L. J. 51 (2021). Available here. Symposium issue on "The Transformation of International Law Scholarship" available here.
- Matthew S. Erie & Monika Prusinowska, The Future of Foreign Arbitration in the People’s Republic of China: Current Developments and Challenges Ahead, Asia Pac. L. Rev. (2021). Available here.
- Matthew S. Erie & Sida Liu, The Forms and Architects of China’s International Legal Order, 46 Yale J. Int’l L. 47 (2021). Available here.
- Matthew S. Erie, Chinese Law and Development. 62(1) Harv. Int’l L. J. 51 (2021). Available here.
- Matthew S. Erie & Ha Hai Do, Law and Development Minus Legal Transplants: The Example of China in Vietnam, Asian J. Law & Soc. (2021). Available here. Will be published in a Symposium Issue on “Legal Transplants in Asia.”
- Pamela K. Bookman & Matthew S. Erie, Experimenting with International Commercial Dispute Resolution, 115 AJIL Unbound 5 (2021). Available here. Symposium issue on “Global Labs of International Commercial Dispute Resolution" (Anthea Roberts, ed.) available here.
- Matthew S. Erie, China and Global Health Governance, 8 Ch. J. Comp. L. 281 (2020). Available here. Symposium issue on “Legal Dimensions of Chinese Globalization" (Matthew S. Erie, ed.) available here.
- Matthew S. Erie, The New Legal Hubs: The Emergent Landscape of International Commercial Dispute Resolution, 60 Va. J. Int’l L. 225 (2020). Available here.
- Matthew S. Erie, Indo-Pacific Legal Infrastructure: A China Perspective, 113 Proceedings of the ASIL Annual Meeting, 374 (2019). Available here.
- Matthew S. Erie, Anticorruption as Transnational Law: The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, PRC Law, and Party Rules, 67 Am. J. Comp. L. 233 (2019). Available here.
- Matthew S. Erie, Shariʿa as Taboo of Modern Law: Halal Food, Islamophobia, and China, 33 J.L. & Relig. 390 (2019). Available here.
CLD Research Briefs
The latest CLD Research Briefs are available here:
- Economic Migration of African Migrants to China in the Era of Covid-19: Tensions and Transitions, Leigha Crout, Peking University.
- Chinese Mining Companies and their Social License to Operate in Zambia, Jacqueline Muna Musiitwa, Environmental, Social and Governance Advisor, Zenizeni Sustainable Finance, South Africa.
- Navigating Investments in Central Asia as Chinese Investors: A Case Study of Kyrgyzstan, Boguang Yang, University of Pennsylvania
- The BRI Legal Framework and Caucasian Non-Recognition Obligations, Otari Kakhidze, Tsinghua University.
- New Trends in Solving BRI-Related Disputes, Magdalena Łągiewska, University of Gdańsk.
- China and the Global Economic Architecture: Approaching the Challenges of the 2020s, Uzma Ashraf & Douglas Arner, University of Hong Kong (Guest Contributors).
Research Briefs are written by CLD Research Associates and other members of the research team and provide snapshots of either preliminary or on-going research projects conducted on CLD-related issues.
Journalistic Articles, Op-eds, Blogs
- Matthew S. Erie, Archipelagos of Chinese Law, European Chinese Law Research Hub (June 2021). Available here.
- Matthew S. Erie & Thomas Streinz, China’s Influence in Global Data Governance Explained: The Beijing Effect, CUHK Law Machine Lawyering blog (May 2021). Available here.
- Matthew S. Erie & Thomas Streinz, Understanding China’s Growing Influence in Global Data Governance, USALI Perspectives (Apr. 1, 2021). Available here.
- Matthew S. Erie, The China Question: International Commercial Courts between London and Beijing, Commercial Courts Report 2020. Available here.
- Matthew S. Erie, Introducing the ‘China, Law and Development’ Project: Analyzing China’s Impact on Cross-Border Legal and Regulatory Order, Oxford Business Law Blog (Sept. 25, 2019). Available here.
- Peter H. Corne & Matthew S. Erie, China’s Mediation Revolution? Opportunities and Challenges of the Singapore Mediation Convention, Opinio Juris (Aug. 28, 2019). Available here.
- Matthew S. Erie, Update on the China International Commercial Court, Opinio Juris (May 13, 2019). Available here.
In the News
- Can Chinese law firms take over the world?, The Economist, (Mar. 6, 2021).
- China’s top court appoints four Africans to legal team for handling belt and road disputes, South China Morning Post, (Dec. 14, 2020).
- African oligarchs turn to Asian offshore destinations, Financial Times, (Jan. 13 2020).